Recipe name:

Lentil soup (moong dal pani)


  • 4tbsp of yellow moong dal
  • Water
  • Tender Leaves turmeric powder

Cooking procedure:

  1. Take the dal and wash it properly. Soak it for 20 mins.
  2. Now add it to a pressure cooker With 1.5 cups of water.
  3. Add a generous pinch of Tender Leaves turmeric powder. Close the lid of the pressure cooker and let it cook on a medium flame for 4-5 whistles.
  4. After cooling, mash it and then gently strain it. As the kid grows we can reduce the water and get a thicker consistency soup. Happy weaning.

Please Note:

  • Always consult a pediatrician before starting solid food for your young ones
  • Always try a new recipe for 3 consecutive days to check for allergies
  • Strictly avoid salt and sugar till they turn one year old